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Company News

Realtors ‘Meet The Builder’ At Beach Haven

Keeping the personal builder promise, Generation Homes President Cora Johnston and Vice President Stuart McDonald invited Realtors from St. Augustine, Flagler, Volusia amd Alachua Counties to "Meet the Builder' at Beach Haven last month. Generation Homes held a business card drawing for a door prize.  We...

Generation Homes at Beach Haven reminds us that what once was can still be

Generation Homes’ floor plans are thoughtfully and deliberately created for lasting appeal. By optimizing the construction process and working closely with the homebuyer every square inch of a new home is a luxurious brushstroke in a grand masterpiece. Generation Homes has created a place to...

SHADES OF GREEN: Survey supports home buyer’s quest for energy efficiency

“Characteristics of Home Buyers,” an analysis of the latest American Housing Survey, was recently released by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). At the top of the wish list is Energy-star ratings. Researchers found that Energy-star rated appliances are most coveted, followed closely by energy...

SHADES OF GREEN: Survey supports home buyer’s quest for energy efficiency

“Characteristics of Home Buyers,” an analysis of the latest American Housing Survey, was recently released by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). At the top of the wish list is Energy-star ratings. Researchers found that Energy-star rated appliances are most coveted, followed closely by energy...